December 24, 2013

"In the Stable with Mary" by Beth Moore

Just wanted to share this poem written by Beth Moore.  What a detailed picture from Mary's perspective of that night.

"Her body lay sapped of strength, her eyes were heavily closed, but her mind refused to give way to rest. She ached for her mother. She wondered if she yet believed her. She heard the labored breathing of the man sleeping a few feet from her. Only months before he was little more than a stranger to her. She knew only what she’d been told and what she could read in occasional shy glances. She had been told he was a good man. Over the last few days, she found out he was far more than a good man. No man, no matter how kind, could have done what he had done. She wondered how long it had been since he’s really rested.

A calf, only a few days old, awakened hungry and could not find its mother. The stir awakened the baby, who also squirmed to find His mother. Scarcely before she could move her tender frame toward the manger, He began to wail! She scooped Him in her arms, her long hair draping over His face, and she quietly slipped out of the gate. She gingerly sat down and leaned against the outside of the stable, propped the baby on her small lap, and taking a strip of linen and tying back her hair, she began to stare into His tiny face. She had not yet seen Him in the light.

She had never seen the moon so bright. The night was nearly as light as the day. Only hours old, His chin quivered, not from the cold, but from the sudden exposure of birth. His eyes were shaped like almonds and were as black as the deepest well. She held Him tightly and quietly hummed a song she’d learned as a child. She had been so frightened of this moment, so sure she would not know what to do. She had never held an infant so small, and He was God, wrapped in soft, infant flesh, with bones so fragile she felt like He could break. She had pictured this moment so many times. What would the Son of the Spirit look like? She never expected Him to look so normal, so common. Must have been the part He inherited from His mother. She was so sure she’d feel so terribly awkward. So afraid she’d drop Him – the Messiah – and God would be awfully sorry He had given Him to her! Instead, every fear, every doubt, every inadequacy was momentarily caught up in the indescribable rapture of a mother’s affection.

She remembered asking Elizabeth things she dared not ask her father and mother. Once when they were walking together at the end of the day, the wind blew her cousin’s robes against her, and like a curious teenager, Mary tried her hardest to catch a good glimpse of Elizabeth’s rounded middle. At the time she herself had no physical evidence that God’s promise was true. But she had enough faith to ask endless questions. What am I to do when He comes? Her cousin’s reply would remain forever etched upon Mary’s heart long after He had saved the world. He will tell you what He needs from you. Beyond what He needs, all He wants is for you to embrace Him and talk to Him.

She looked back into His delicate face and watched Him closely as He seemed to stare deeply into the moonlit sky. And she began to talk. “Sweet baby boy. Do You know who Your Daddy is? Do You know Your name? Do You know why You’re here? What do You see when You look out there? Can You see the stars? Do You remember their names? Do You think I’ll do ok? Will You love me too?” A tear dropped from her chin to His. He yawned and made such a funny expression she grinned, wiping her face on the yellowed rags she’d draped around Him. The fussing calf had obviously found its mother. Not a sound was coming from inside the stable. The earth stilled. The infant slept. She held the babe next to her face, and for just a moment, all the world was silent to the breath of God.

She closed her eyes and listened, stealing time like a hidden metronome, as high and as wide as she dared to think, but still she could not begin to comprehend. She, a common child of the most humble means who never read the Scriptures for herself, was embracing the incarnate Word. The fullness of the Godhead rested in her inexperienced arms, sleeping to the rhythm of her heart. This time she hummed a song she did not know, a song being sung by the choirs of angels hovering over her head but hidden from her carnal senses. The deafening hallelujahs of the heavenly hosts were silent to mortal ears except through the sounds of a young woman’s voice who had unknowingly given human notes to a Holy score. The glory of God filled the earth. Heaven hammered out a bridge, but one young woman sat completely unaware of all that swelled the atmosphere around her. The tiny baby boy had robbed her heart. “So, this is how it feels to be a mother,” she mused.

She crept back into the stable, wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in the manger. Just down the path, the sun peeked gently over the roof of an inn full of barren souls who had made Him no room."

Merry Christmas!

December 1, 2013

Thankful for Hands

I read a little story one time about a teacher who asked her kids to draw something they were thankful for.  She said that it was a poor area and even though most of the kids wouldn’t have a Thanksgiving dinner, they still drew a table full of food.  When she was looking at the pictures, she saw one picture that just had a hand on it.  She asked the little guy whose hand he drew, and his reply was that he drew her hand…his teacher’s.  He told her that he loved when she held his hand at recess or walking through the building and he was thankful for her.

I thought about all the hands in my life that I’m thankful for this year.  I’m thankful for my husband’s hands that hold mine.  So much love, understanding and patience he has for me.  I’m thankful for my family’s hands that I can hold.  So much love and support they give.  I’m thankful for the little handprints of my niece and nephew on my TV that I couldn’t make myself wipe away.  So much wonder and joy they have brought to my life.  I’m thankful for the hands of my church family that pat my back when I pray.  I have more confidence and faith in their prayers than they will ever know.  I’m thankful for the little hands I hold each day at school.  They have so much belief in me.  But most importantly, I’m thankful for two nail scarred hands.  Those hands provide grace.  Those hands show mercy.  Those hands give hope.  Those hands are the symbols of unconditional love.

As Thanksgiving has come and gone, I hope you were able to think of all the hands in your life that you are thankful for.

"For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand..."
Isaiah 41:13  KJV

November 24, 2013

Popcorn Parties at Bedtime

        I don’t remember exactly how old I was, but I remember being little and having a bedtime.  I went to bed, but I could hear Mom and Dad still awake.  For some reason, this convinced me that Mom and Dad waited until me and Emily went to bed and had popcorn parties.  I just knew that they would stay up all night watching movies, eating popcorn , having the time of their lives, and I wasn’t happy about it. 
        I confronted my Mom about it, lol.  I asked her why they didn’t go to bed when we had to, and also that I knew their secret.  I can remember my Mom laughing and telling me that they didn’t go to bed because they still had things to do to get prepared for the next day and that they watched over us while we were sleeping.  She assured me that nobody was having popcorn parties without me!  I accepted her explanation, because after all, I knew my mom wouldn’t lie to me.
        I was reading this verse from Psalms, and I thought back to that time.
Psalm 4:8 (NIV)
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

        What a comfort this verse is!  I’m so glad that I can lay down and sleep peacefully, knowing He’s still up.  He has things to get done…situations to work out and plans to put in place.  While I am sleeping I know He is up watching over me.  So pull those blankets up a little tighter, and rest well…He’s not out partying…He’s getting things in order just for you.

November 17, 2013

Casting in the Deep

        Several weeks ago John and I took the boat out on the lake.  It was one of those perfect days…he fished, I layed out, picnic lunch.  I decided to try my hand at fishing.  (I have a system that works REAL well for baiting my own hook, but never having to touch the worms! Lol)  I cast my line and waited.  I waited and waited, got bored, waited some more and nothing.  I eventually stopped because I was bored and pretty sure that even though I couldn’t see through the water, there were no fish there and I was wasting my time.
        We moved to a different spot.  Under a rock overhang where the water was a little shallow.  I could see the bottom and clearly see fish swimming around right there.  Seeing those fish, I picked up my pole and thought I’d give it another shot.  With that many fish one was just bound to jump on my hook and that’s what happened.
        Later, when thinking about that day, it dawned on me that a lot times that’s how we live our Christian lives.  It’s SO easy to trust and have faith when we can see through the water and know what’s coming.  We will wait however long it takes because we know that there are blessings there.  We can SEE them! 
        But it’s when we travel out a little deeper, when we can’t see what’s underneath, that our trust and faith really proves true.  I couldn’t see and got tired of waiting, so I quit until it got easy.  That’s not the way to live.  Don’t get tired of waiting for your blessing.  Keep casting that line and having faith…you might get the biggest catch when you don’t know it’s coming! 

“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Psalm 27:14  KJV

November 10, 2013

Familiar Voices

John and I were at mom and dad’s helping them convert home movies from VHS to DVD.   While he was showing them how to do it, we were watching one of the tapes.  I had taken my eyes off the TV for a minute and while I was looking away, I heard one of the most familiar sounds I’ve ever heard.  It was a voice that I hadn’t heard in almost 10 years, but I knew exactly who it belonged to.  My papa, who passed away almost 10 years ago, was talking on the tape.  My eyes instantly filled with tears.  You know how you always think you’ll remember forever the sound of someone’s voice, but the truth is, we forget.  I talked to him every day, either at his house or on the phone, but with time, I had forgotten what his voice sounded like.  Hearing it on the tape was so personal.  Just like he was talking directly to me, even though he was just saying something for the camera.

     That made me think of the Lord’s voice.  Some people have said that His voice has been almost, if not, audible to them at times.  I’ve never experienced that, but I have no doubt that one day, when His voice is audible to all, I’ll know it.  Even though I’ve never heard it, I’ll know exactly who it is.  It will be one of the most familiar sounds I’ve ever heard.  I’m listening for that voice.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”

John 10:27 KJV

October 27, 2013

God's Instrument

Not mine, but wanted to share for Pastor Appreciation day.  I'm thankful for my pastor, my dad, being an instrument of the Lord.

God's Instrument

I see the hands that hold God's word 
And fold in prayer to seek His will. 
I see the feet that walk the path 
And offers of praise as from lofty hill.

I see the hands that serve Him well, 
The ears that seek to hear His call, 
The mouth that speaks truth and wisdom, 
The busy feet that carry the message to all.

I see the heart that was priked and entered 
When God's man answered the gospel call 
And yielded His life as a humble servant, 
A man who is willing, as was Apostle Paul.

I see all of this as he stands in the pulpit, 
An instrument through which God speaks 
The words of wisdom, of love and peace, 
To lead and guide all those whom God seeks.

by Judy Crowe

October 20, 2013

Cider is Good, Too!

       Every year, we take a field trip to the local apple orchard.  We get to do and see lots of things while we’re there and learn about how apples grow.  The owner of the orchard was telling us all about the apples.  She was saying that if an apple falls off the tree, they don’t pick it up and put it in the basket to be processed and sold.  She showed the boys and girls how an apple gets bruised when it hits the ground.  She said that most people when buying apples don’t want the bruised ones…they are no good.  BUT, she went on to say that they use the fallen ones to make apple cider or slushies, because for that, it makes no difference if they are bruised and less than perfect.
        I don’t know about you, but I’m sure glad that the Lord likes “cider”.  There are so many things that bump and bruise us along the way.  Sometimes we all together fall off and hit the ground.  Even though passerbys may discard us, my owner and Creator sees some possibility.  I haven’t quite figured out what use He sees in me, but I’m sure glad He does!  So it’s okay that we might not all make it onto the showcase floor with bright shiny perfectness…the Lord likes cider too!  ;)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

Colossians 3:23  NIV

October 13, 2013

He'll Go First

        I was watching my niece and nephew climb a big tower of hay bales.  There were lots of kids playing on it and they were having a blast.  Lainey is pretty tall and just climbed right up.  Jack, a little younger and smaller could move easily around the first 2 or 3 levels, but after that, it was too steep for him to climb.  He would try to get his leg up there, but he was just too little.  Lainey, seeing that he was having trouble, climbed down and would pick him up (the best way a 5 year old can, lol) and put him up a little higher.  Then she would follow and do it again at the next level until he was at the top having fun.
        On the way down, he would try to slide but still, he was too little.  Lainey came over and said, “Just wait, let sissy go first and I’ll help you.”  She would get down and then turn around and help Jack down.  Then do it all over again.  Watching this, I thought, poor thing has to be tired from all that packing, but she didn’t let it show…she kept right on helping, no matter how many times he wanted up or down.
        I thought about my life and circumstances in it.  How many times there’s been a little hill or mountain I’ve had to climb or come down from, but I came up too short.  I couldn’t do it on my own.  How many times I’ve felt His hand placing me where I needed to be to move up a little higher.  How many times I’ve heard His voice saying, “Just wait, let me go first and I’ll help you.”  It didn’t matter how many other people were climbing, His attention was on me.  It didn't matter how many times He had to do it.  Thank you Lord, for seeing my need and going first, only to turn back and carry me!

“…you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son…”

Deuteronomy 1:31  NIV

October 6, 2013

“Called to the Carpet”

        We “go to the carpet” a lot in my classroom.  We talk there.  We sing there.  We dance there.  We listen there.  I love reading to my kids and they love listening on the carpet.  When I say “come to the carpet” it’s almost a race to see who can get there first and a struggle to get as close as they can to my rocking chair.  Sometimes I have to back them up a bit so they don’t get their fingers smashed, that’s how close.  J  But as they listen, the ones who are closest will sometimes do things like touch my shoe or boot or rub the hem of my pants of skirt.  They aren’t really doing anything, they just like to feel that closeness.
        There’s a song that a group from our church sings, “Look for me at Jesus’ Feet”.  When they sing that song, I think of my kids sitting on the carpet.  It feels like a race down here, but when He “calls me to His carpet” I’ll drop everything in a split second and make my way to His feet.  I plan on getting as close as I can to His throne…He might have to ask me to back up a little.  But I’m gonna sit as close as I can and maybe just run my fingers over two nail scarred feet.  I might take His robe and just rub it in my hand.  Because just like that song says,
“Don’t look ‘neath the gates of pearl.       
Don’t look on the streets of gold. 
Don’t look by the walls of jasper. 
Nor among  the many sights untold. 
For I’ve been longing and I’ve been waiting. 
For the precious Holy one to see. 
There I’ll be through the countless ages. 
Look for me at Jesus’ feet.”

“And stood at His feet behind Him weeping, and began to wash His feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed His feet…”

Luke 7:38  KJV

September 26, 2013

New Every Morning

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.   They are new every morning;  great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23  NIV

          Sometimes, by the end of the day, we feel like giving up.  There are so many stressors and emotions that cloud up our days.  It’s almost as if when you finally get to sit down you feel how drained you actually are.  Drained physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. 

          That’s why I’m so thankful for this verse from Lamentations.  It reminds me that no matter what circumstances come up in my daily routine, I’ll not be overtaken.  I might get tired, but situations won’t overpower me.  And an even greater hope?  To realize that His love and compassion are new every morning!  I’m so thankful for that promise because on some days, it’s the only thing that drags me outta bed when the alarm goes off!  So, for now, I think I’ll leave the things of today right here and start fresh in the morning!  J

September 22, 2013

The Master’s Masterpiece

      I love the changing seasons, but fall is my favorite.  There’s a crispness in the air and for me, it’s the time when I think about life in general.  When fall rolls around it’s almost as though another year has come full circle.  Days seem to be filled with beautiful colors and counted blessings.  There’s a sweet quiet peace that comes along with fall.
      Our lives are like the changing seasons.  We experience so many different things.  There are seasons of happiness, seasons of sorrow, seasons of longing, seasons of forgiveness, seasons of moving forward:  They are forever changing.  Some seasons in our lives we will undoubtedly enjoy more than others, but He has given us each one.  He has placed that season in our life for a reason and it’s up to us to praise Him through each and every one.
      I like to think of fall time as the time when the Lord picks up His paintbrush and creates a work of art with beautiful colors.  Our lives, no matter what season you might be facing, is just another example of the Master’s masterpiece.  Make Him proud of His work!

“ He changes times and seasons…”

Daniel 2:21  NIV

September 15, 2013

It’s Nice to Go Home

      I’m a worry-wart when it comes to most things, and taking trips is no different.  I get stressed and worried before I even leave.  I think of every bad thing that could happen and then convince myself that it will:  I might get eaten by a shark at the ocean/I might get bitten by a snake while camping/I might get bed bugs from a hotel…the list could go on for days! 
      Once I’m there, I have a great time, but no matter where I’m at or how much fun I’m having, there comes a time when it’s nice to come home.  It’s nice to be on the road and start seeing familiar sights.  It’s nice to think about what is waiting for you when you get there:  you home and life.
      Heaven is just like that.  Down here has just been a little trip.  It’s been fun.  There’s been happy times and celebrations.  There’s also been disappointments and heartaches.  But one day I’ll begin to see those familiar sights.  My Papa who I would love to drink a Diet Pepsi with again.  My Grandpa who missed the majority of my life.  My Grandma who I never got to meet.  A baby cousin who never got to know life down here.  When I start seeing those sights, I’ll breathe a little deeper and know that I’m almost home.    

After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.”

1 Thessalonians 4:17  NIV

September 8, 2013

Being a “Martha” Isn’t So Bad

      We all know the story of Mary and Martha in the Bible.  How everybody wants to be like Mary…the sister who sat at Jesus’ feet and hung onto every word and action.  Nobody wants to be a “Martha”.  But I have found that I relate better to Martha.  The one who seemed a little high strung and couldn’t let go of her responsibilities.  The one who works and sometimes gets frustrated and says or thinks, “must be nice to sit around but SOMEONE has to get things ready!”  (Hopefully I’m not the only one who thinks that at times! lol)   
      I can’t honestly say that if I knew Jesus was in town and coming to my house, that I wouldn’t be cleaning and cooking and trying to make things perfect.  Mary was more of a “feeler”.  She liked to listen and learn and feel Him.  Martha, on the other hand, was a doer.  She liked to make things happen.  So much so that she tried to boss Jesus around and make Him make Mary help.  (Now that’s when you KNOW you’re stressed and frustrated, when you start bossing Jesus around!  Lol) 
      Yes, Martha missed out on quality time listening and worshiping Him.  But I don’t blame her for spending time preparing things.  I think that evening Martha was probably the last one to eat because she was making sure everything was ready:  the tables, the food, the dishes, etc.  But maybe when all that was done, everyone had eaten and it came time for coffee, she relaxed and had her time with Him.  Time talking and worshiping. 
      Neither sister had more or less faith than the other.  If you recall it wasn’t Mary who ran to Jesus after Lazarus had died, it was Martha.  Mary was too heartbroken:  she was “feeling”.  Martha was heartbroken too, but she wanted something done about it:  she was being proactive.  She didn’t love Him any less than Mary did, she just showed it different. 
      I understand the point of the story was to remind us to put worship at the top of our priority list.  But I also understand Martha’s perception:  someone has to do it!  Just like Martha, there have been plenty of times when the Lord has had to gently remind me to relax and just feel Him.  But also, just like Martha, I love Him and every aspect of my life is open to Him.  So I’m okay with being a “Martha” right now!   
“ When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home.”

John 11:20  NIV

September 1, 2013

When “Not Enough” is the Perfect Amount

         There are so many times when we get discouraged and feel like we are not enough.  Every relationship and situation in our lives requires a certain amount from us.  Whether it is your job, friendships, marriage, kids, it takes from you.  And when circumstances don’t turn out how we hoped or planned, we self evaluate and think, “it didn’t turn out right because I wasn’t enough.”
          I’m so glad that there is 1 relationship where “not enough” is perfect.  Don’t get me wrong, our relationship with the Lord still requires energy and effort, but when we fall short (and we always do!), He steps in and picks up our slack.  He makes us enough by giving us grace and strength.  
          Think of all the people we read about in the Bible…not many of them were “enough”.  Moses stuttered.  Rahab was a prostitute.  Jonah was a runner.  Esther was an orphan.  Jacob was a liar.  Abraham was old, really old.  And last but not least, Lazarus wasn’t even alive!  None of those things seem “enough” to me, but God never discarded them; He used their shortcomings.  He equipped them and empowered them to do His work.
          I’m so thankful that when I am having the “I’m not enough” pity party, He reminds me that sometimes not enough is the perfect amount to do great things for Him. 

“Our God…we have no power…but our eyes are on You…”

2 Chronicles 20:12  NIV

August 24, 2013

What’s in Your Wallet?...(and I don’t mean Capital One! )

         Mom and I went shopping and when we walked out of one store, the security beeper went off.  The saleslady came over and double checked to make sure a tag hadn’t been left on something and she couldn’t find anything.  (Mom even volunteered to let them search her purse, lol  J)  The lady shrugged it off and said it happens sometimes.  We walked out and beeped again, but this time kept going. 
          The next store we went in, no beeping.  The next one, we walked in, no beeping, didn’t buy anything, and walked out and beeping.  So we stopped again.  The saleslady in this store came over and was wondering what it could be because she obviously knew we didn’t take anything…we had only been in there for a couple minutes.  (again, Mom volunteered her purse, lol!)  We waved our shopping bags through the alarm and nothing.  We waved cell phones through and nothing.  By this point we were beginning to feel like shop-lifters.  We waved mom’s purse through and this time, lights and beeping.  We looked through her purse and the lady asked if she had anything new in there.  She did:  a wallet.  Inside that new wallet there was a tiny white security tag in one of the card slots.  We took it off, threw it away, and didn’t beep for the rest of the day. 
          Isn’t that how little sins are?  We’ve not done anything big, or downright disobeyed God, but something is there causing alarm.  Since it’s not obvious, we might have to search our hearts to find it.  It may be something little like a temper or not reading your Bible as much as He would like us to.  It might be not taking opportunities to witness or not testifying enough.  Whatever it is, we need to check ourselves.  We might not think it’s a big deal, but I don’t want to get Heaven’s gate and have the alarm go off.    

“…the little foxes, that spoil the vines…”

Song of Solomon 2:15  KJV

August 18, 2013

Back to School Prayers

      Going back to school…it’s the time that inevitably comes every year.  I’ve already started having the dreams of an uncontrollable class, not being prepared, etc.  lol 

        My very favorite part of each new year, though, is when I go to start getting my classroom ready.  It’s quiet, not very many people are around, and there’s a sense of calmness.  The first thing I do each year is arrange the 25 little desks and then spend the time going by each desk and praying for that child.  I don’t know if there will be a boy or girl sitting there.  I don’t know their names.  I don’t know their background academically, socially, or home lives.  Regardless of me not knowing them, the Lord has known since before time that our paths needed to cross: That there is something to be gained from our time together.  So I pray for them.   

        I pray that the Lord will open their minds in order to learn new things.  I pray that the Lord will ease their anxieties and fears.  I pray that they will have friends.  I pray that they will learn to do what’s right.  I pray that they will thrive throughout the year and make notable progress.  But I also pray that the Lord will open their hearts.  Open their hearts to see and feel Him working and moving in their lives.  Open their hearts to hear His voice and answer His calls.  Open their hearts to be a witness and light to others.  Open their hearts to be more like Him.

        I pray at my own desk.  I pray that the Lord will let me love them even in the times they are unlovable.  I pray that He will let me get to know each and every little soul and their families and see them for who they are:  Your beautiful creation, whom You are pleased with.  I pray for patience when correcting behavior, calming fears, and teaching new skills.  I pray that His love will shine through me so evident that they can’t help but notice.  I pray that He will show me why He intended my path to specifically cross every one of theirs and give me the strength and wisdom to help them on their journey.

        Sometimes those dreams *nightmares* J do come true and there are days that seem uncontrollable, but I know that my joy doesn’t come from having the perfect classroom: my joy comes from within, from Him.  So even on the days where I may want to pull my hair out, I can wear a genuine smile, have a genuine peace, and know that His name is going to triumph because I’ve dedicated my classroom to Him.

“In everything set them an example by doing what is good.  In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech…”

Titus 2:7-8  NIV

August 11, 2013

From Worshiper to Believer

     I have always been intrigued by Lydia from the Bible.  I don’t know why since there are so few verses about her, maybe because I just like the color purple??  Lol  Anyways, I’ve been reading the verses about her for a while, feeling like there was something the Lord was wanting me to get from her.  Lydia’s story goes like this:

On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, where we expected to find a place of prayer. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there. One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message. When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. “If you consider me a believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my house.” And she persuaded us.

      The first part of her story that I find interesting is that the Bible refers to Lydia as a “worshiper”.  It doesn’t say Lydia was a Christian.  It doesn’t say that she loved God.  It doesn’t say that she lived for Christ.  It says she worshiped Him.  The dictionary definition of “worshiper” is a “formal or ceremonious rendering of honor”.  In other words, she went to church and went through the formalities…does that sound familiar?  Sometimes we go through the motions of singing the songs, following along in our Bibles, putting money in the plate:  we are worshipers and nothing else.

      But the next few verses are so inspiring.  It says that the Lord opened her heart to respond!  He touched her heart.  At first she simply went through the motions, but now, He had given her reason to “respond”.  Her response?  It tells us in the later verses…she became a “believer”.  The word “worshiper” in relation to Lydia is a noun.  It’s a person…it’s who she was.  The word “believer” is a verb.  It means to “have confidence or faith in the truth”.  Once the Lord opened her heart, she couldn’t be complacent anymore, she had to do something. 

        Verse 40 is probably my favorite part of Lydia’s story. 

“After Paul and Silas came out of the prison, they went to Lydia’s house, where they met with the brothers and sisters and encouraged them.  They they left." 

        I take this verse to mean that after her conversion from worshiper to believer, she wasn’t content with those little meetings at the river with the other women.  I take it to mean that she opened her home to ministry and that men and women who loved God were welcome to worship and praise Him there, together.

        So many times in my life I’ve been a worshiper.  I’ve done my duties as a Christian and nothing extra.  I’ve sang the songs, read the verses, said a mealtime prayer, but then became complacent.  I’m so thankful that He is always faithful to open and touch my heart.  He makes it my (and your) decision about how we respond, or even if we respond at all.  I want to be more like Lydia and let people see the believer in me.  

Verses from Acts 16:13 – 15, 40  NIV

August 3, 2013

Pebbles in My Pocket

         I have a jacket that I keep at school for recess duty.  It’s not my best jacket, but it is the warmest and it gets COLD out there!  Several years ago, I had a little boy in my classroom who loved nature.  He loved finding things and had so much knowledge about animals and “outdoorsy” things.  He could see beauty in things I couldn’t…things like snakes and frogs and toads, OH MY!  Lol  Anyways, one day at recess he came over to me with a handful of small pebbles or rocks from our playground.  He was so excited about the treasures he had in his little dirt covered hands!  He was very animated in telling me about the rocks, how hard and how far he had to dig, and asking which one was my favorite.  I chose 2 favorites:  one that was white and a little glittery (imagine that…I picked the glitter!  J) and one that was a pretty shade of green and really smooth, but yet jagged.  He eagerly handed me the rocks…giving me his treasure to keep for my own.  I put the rocks in my pocket and went on with recess.

          To any other kid on the playground they were just rocks.  To me, they were just rocks.  But to that sweet little boy, they were small treasures, rewards from his hard work of searching and digging.  I like to think that we are Jesus’ little rocks.  To the world, I’m just another girl.  You are just another man or woman.  There are millions more like us in the world.  But when God looks down, He doesn’t see our simplicity.  He sees His treasures.  He takes a closer look and sees the jaggedness, notices the glitter, and dusts some of us off.  If we are serving Him, our lives are the rewards of His hard work:  dying on the cross.  He may have to do some searching and digging to find us, but He knows we’re there.

           Those little rocks have been in my recess jacket pocket now for 5 years and that little boy is growing up.  But the thought of his little dirt covered hand holding those treasures, and the way I felt God speak to me in that moment will stay forever!

“As you come to him, the living stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him…”
1 Peter 2:4  NIV

July 28, 2013


       I was reading about King Agrippa and the sad declaration he made to Paul.  “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”  The word ‘almost’ stands out as a sad word.  To me, it means you’ve reached the end, done everything you can do to achieve something or reach something, but you’ve come up short:  you ‘almost’ made it.
        You see King Agrippa had heard about God.  Paul had told him the story about the baby Savior who had been born.  How He had performed miracles and saved Paul.  How Paul had been called to share the good news and how King Agrippa could also have eternal life by accepting Jesus. 
        King Agrippa knew of all these things that Paul talked about.  He knew in his mind that Jesus was a Savior, but his heart wouldn’t soften.  On an average person, there are approximately 18 inches between the head and heart.  In King Agrippa’s case, there was 18 inches between Heaven and Hell.  He chose Hell.
        I’m so glad that we can choose Heaven.  18 inches seems like a short distance…but one day will turn into an eternity.  When it comes our time to go, I hope that we don’t have to repeat the sad, sad declaration that, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”

“Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

Acts 26:28  KJV

July 20, 2013


      I love a good shaved ice…who doesn’t?!?  But, I’m particular in where I get them from.  I’ve tried others and they are good, but there’s something about “Hawaiian Dave’s” shaved ice that is SO much better than the rest!  (Those of you who live local probably  know who I’m talking about J)  Anyways, Hawaiian Dave usually sets up his bus in the same spot.  A couple years ago I was in the mood for a Hawaiian Dave shaved ice, so I went looking, and his bus was gone.  Well, I went for days straight back the spot where he usually was and no Hawaiian Dave…never did find him. 
        So last summer, I got my mom in on the search.  We looked EVERYWHERE.  And yes, I am aware of how that makes myself look…stalking a Hawaiian Ice driver…a little crazy, but I’m ok with that!  Lol  No signs of Hawaiian Dave.  I had all but given up when one day mom and I were going somewhere and I spotted his bus!  I screamed, gave mom a heart attack, and made her go back.  I was so excited!  We pulled in and up to the bus and before I could get out, I saw the sign that said “CLOSED”.  SERIOUSLY?!?!?!  I had been looking for this guy for 2 years and he’s CLOESED?!?!  Well, I went back after that, CLOSED.  And again, CLOSED.  The next week, CLOSED.  The week after, CLOSED.  I tried until the end of summer with no luck.  There were no hours on his sign, it just said CLOSED.  This summer, I have continued my search only to find hours posted on the bus.    
        I thought about the Lord.  He has never been MIA.  He has never hung a CLOSED sign out.  He has never moved spots.  He has never posted His hours.  He’s available 24/7.  I don’t have to track Him down…He’s there before I have to go looking.  He’s there before I can whisper His name.  He’s there before I can feel Him sometimes.  He’s ALWAYS there.  I’m so thankful for His promise to never leave us or forsake us.  He has never left me in need or want of anything, and I’m satisfied with that!

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find…for everyone that asks, receives; and he that seeks, finds…”

Matthew 7:7-8  KJV

July 14, 2013

Something Beautiful From Something Ugly

        John and I stopped at a little jewelry shop in Hawaii to look around.  There, in a bowl were oysters with a sign that said “Pick a Pearl”.  I was going to get some pearl earrings so we thought what better way to do it than to just pick your own.  The store attendant handed me some tongs and I began rummaging through the bowl of water and oysters.  I was looking for a perfect oyster…I didn’t want one of those slimy, yucky ones!  She looked at me and said, “The uglier and hairier the oyster the more beautiful the pearl is inside.” 
        I thought about that in comparison to our walk with the Lord.  When we are sinners, we have so much ugly:  ugly in our hearts, our lives, our minds.  Jesus doesn’t just call the people who haven’t gotten too far out in sin…he calls us all.  In many circumstances, the uglier the person’s life is, the more beautiful He can make it.
        I know the sweetest woman who will tell you herself about her ugly life.  How she tried many different things to complete her life.  She will also tell you that she rarely didn’t have a drink in her hand.  She used language that wasn’t pretty and had a temper that would rise up and she would lash out at people.  But the Lord called her.  He saw her.  He saw all of those things in her life, but most importantly, He looked past it all and saw something He could work with.  Something He could make beautiful.  A person that He could let His love shine through.  A person that He could use to win souls.  A person that He could use to be a Sunday school teacher.  A person that He could use to demonstrate a patience that is comparable to Job’s.  A person that He could use to be a beacon of hope and an inspiration.  A person that He saw beautiful, not only outwardly, but beyond all of the ugly, messy things in her life, He saw an infinite beauty.
        John and I both chose the ugliest and hairiest oyster we saw, and in return opened up two beautiful pearls.  I had it set in a pendent and each time I wear it, I’m reminded that He can make something so beautiful out of something so ugly, if we only let Him work! 
        Thank you, Lord for rummaging through the slimy, yucky, ugly life I had and turning it into something beautiful that You can use! 

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9  KJV

July 4, 2013

The “Four Seasons”

        When we were on vacation, John was busy booking something or other, so I was browsing through some little shops.  I stopped in one shop and the clerk began making small talk.  I was the only one in the store so she had time to chat.  She was asking questions about what all we had done and were planning to do, where we had gone, and then she asked where we were from, and I answered Ohio.  She said, “Oooh, so you have the 4 seasons??  I would love to see that…I’ve heard it’s beautiful!”  Looking at her confused, I wondered why she was asking about the Four Seasons Hotel…am I really THAT blonde??  Lol! Still confused, I looked at her and said, “Yeah, we have them, but I’ve not stayed at one.”  The confused look on her face mimicked my own and then it dawned on me what she meant the 4 seasons:  summer, fall, winter, spring.  I just laughed and said, “Fall is my favorite.”  I left the shop soon after, lol.
        But the thought dawned on me when I was telling John about what a nerd he had married, lol, that God’s beauty really is EVERYWHERE.  Here that girl was, living and working in a place called “paradise” and she longed to see what I take for granted.  The spring buds and blooms, the beautiful oranges and yellows of fall, the soft sparkling snow of winter.  To me, her world was the prettiest place I’ve ever seen, but to her, my world was full of wonder. 
        Thank you, Lord for making each and every place a masterpiece.  Thank you, Lord for taking the time to create such wonderful details everywhere.  Thank you, Lord for allowing us to experience the amazing works of your hand.  Thank you, Lord the beauty you allow us to see every day, no matter where we are!  Thank you, Lord!

“And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Genesis 1:31  KJV

June 30, 2013


       We have returned from our dream honeymoon from Hawaii and while there, I was able to do and experience so many new, exciting, and wonderful things!  I got to kayak in the Pacific ocean with sea turtles, snorkel on an amazing reef, try lobster for the first time, and make so many great memories!  I was able to see sights that couldn’t have been painted by any other than the hand of God himself! 
        While we were there, I also witnessed something that I had never seen before…homelessness.  Sure, I’ve see the ones standing on the corner around our small town holding a sign, but I’ve never seen homelessness in this magnitude; and it was completely overwhelming. 
        John and I took a walk one day that led us through a park.  While admiring how beautiful it was, I noticed a shopping cart filled with belongings.  Walking further, I began to see people, old and young, who were sleeping on the sidewalk in the hot sun.  I saw small huts made out of their possessions.  I saw people trying to find shade anywhere they could. 
        Later in the week, we had the opportunity to go on a dinner cruise and on the way back, we passed that same park.  As we passed, I saw more huts, more tents, more people sleeping on the hard sidewalks.   I began to feel ashamed of myself for taking so many of my blessings for granted.  I’m not entitled to one thing I’ve been given and in that moment I was reminded that everything I have could be gone in a matter of mere minutes. 
        I wanted to stop the bus and do something to help the people in the park.  My heart hurt so badly for them.  I wondered if anyone knew their names?  I wondered why they were there?  Did they have a family somewhere?  What put them in that position?  Did any of them have someone who loved them and wanted them to come home?  The Lord reminded me that they do have someone who knows their name.  Someone who knew exactly what decision or circumstance put them there.  Someone who loves them.  Someone who gave His life for them.  Someone who was waiting with open arms for them to come home if they accepted Him. 
        What a hope!  Even in our darkest circumstances, even when we are wandering around, seemingly lost without a place to belong, that our path is still being guided.  None of us have to wander around lost through life…we have a home just waiting to be found at His feet.  I have prayed for those individuals ever since:  Prayed that they would find rest and peace in Him, if they haven’t already.

They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in.  Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.  Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.  And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.  Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!  For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." 

Psalm 107:4-9 KJV

June 14, 2013

“That’s All I Want…”

       My sister got married about 7 years ago and looking at all the pictures from her wedding and reception, one of my favorites has always been the picture of her and our dad dancing.  They are looking right at each other, smiling, and the love between them practically jumps right out of the photo.  Then, a couple of weeks ago, it was my turn to dance with dad at my reception.  It was no different than Emily’s picture.  While we were dancing, dad looked at me and said, “well, are you happy?”  Of course I answered yes and he replied with, “good…that’s all I want.”   
       I thought about dad’s love for us.  It is unconditional.  We can do whatever, go wherever, but his love has never once wavered.  He has listened and put up with the drama and emotions that a house of girls has brought.  He has loved us when it seemed that nobody else did or could.  In my 30 years, I have never heard him raise his voice.  He has been a role model, an encourager, a help, and a friend.  He has been our dad first, and our pastor second.  He stands on his beliefs, but has let us sort through our own.
       His love for Emily and I is so great, but it pales in comparison to God’s love for us.  Just like dad, God’s love is unconditional and doesn’t waver.  He listens to all our problems and complaints.  He sees something in all of us that is lovable:   Something that nobody else can see or know.  He doesn’t yell or berate us when we make mistakes.  He only picks us up and helps us find our footing again.  He is our encourager, our motivation, our friend, our support.  He is everything.  He wants us to enjoy life while serving Him.  He provides us with blessings that not one of us deserve, but I think every now and then He’ll whisper to us, “Well, are you happy?  Cause that’s all I want.”

“…There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son…”

Deuteronomy 1:31  NIV