August 26, 2012

Where is the Prince?

By Iron & Wine

Who's seen Jezebel?
She was born to be the woman I would know
And hold like a breeze half as tight as both eyes closed
Who's seen Jezebel?
She went walking where the cedars line the road
Her blouse on the ground where the dogs were hungry, roaming

Saying, "Wait
We swear we'll love you more
And wholly, Jezebel
It's we, we that you are for only"

Who's seen Jezebel?
She was born to be the woman we could blame
Make me a beast half as brave I’d be the same
Who's seen Jezebel?
She was gone before I ever got to say
"Lay here, my love, you're the only shape I pray to, Jezebel"

Who's seen Jezebel?
Will the mountain last as long as I can wait?
Wait like the dawn, how it aches to meet the day
Who's seen Jezebel?
She was certainly the spark for all I've done
The window was wide, she could see the dogs come runnin'

Saying, "Wait
We swear we'll love you more
And wholly, Jezebel
It's we, we that you are for only"
This is one of my favorite songs, Jezebel, by Iron & Wine.  Everyone knows the story of Jezebel from the Bible.  The lyrics of this song imply that there’s one man who truly does love Jezebel, but she is unable to accept his love, because she is still searching for someone or something.  The meaning of the name Jezebel is widely defined as “wicked and conniving”.  But there is an alternate meaning of the name that many people do not know.  Jezebel also means “where is the prince?”  Appropriate meaning if you ask me, since Jezebel seemed to be always seeking a ‘prince’ to love her.
          Applying this song to our own lives, we are all Jezebels.  We are wicked by nature and unbelieving, always looking for a ‘prince’, someone or something to make us feel happy and secure.  However, we often forget about the One who truly loves us no matter what and is waiting on us to realize His eternal love for us and accept it!  Just like the words in the song, He is honest in saying, “Wait, I’ll love you more and wholly.  It’s me that you are for!”  I hope that we all are able to find that Prince – the Prince of Peace!

August 19, 2012

My Name Should Be on the List…

              It was time for attendance several years ago in my classroom.  I read through the roster of my brand new class for the year, each little boy or girl saying, “here” when they heard their name.  I closed the program on my computer and started to get up when I noticed a little girl sobbing, uncontrollably.  I called her by name and she came to my desk.  When I asked her what the matter was, she answered by saying, “You didn’t say my name.  It should be on the list, I know you; you’re my teacher.  I don’t want to go to a different class.”  I pulled the scared little girl onto my lap and hugged her; assuring her that she wouldn’t have to leave, she was in the right room, and she was right - I was her teacher.  It must have been a computer glitch.
            While I hugged the shaking little girl, tears instantly filled my eyes.  I never want to be standing in front of the Lord at His roll call on judgment day and not hear my name.  I cannot imagine telling Him, “You didn’t say my name.  It should be on the list, I know you; you’re my God.  I don’t want to go to Hell.”  I begged the Lord to search my heart completely in that very moment at my desk.  I felt Him put His loving arms around this scared trembling girl and whisper in my ear, “You can stay…your name was written many years ago on my list.  You’re right…I am your God.”

“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”
Revelation 20: 15 KJV

August 12, 2012

He Alone Is God

             I went four wheelin’ the other day.  It’s been years since I’ve been on the back of a four wheeler and I had forgotten what a great time it is to talk to the Lord.  Granted, I spend the majority of the conversation praying He gets me safely off whatever hill it is I’m on, but we still talk! 
            Anyways, we were out in the middle of the woods and I looked to the left.  I could see so far out and the trees from other hills.  The picture-worthy view made me instantly smile:  He alone is God.  He designed the scenery and setting for our enjoyment. 
            We went a little ways further and we drove over some small trees that had fallen from recent storms.  There were lots more down in the woods.  I smiled again:  He alone is God.  He placed every single tree in that forest.  He fed, watered, and shined on them.  He saw every single one that fell, and He knows exactly where it lies.
            By this time, I was overflowing with His greatness.  I thought about a little boy who has been battling cancer.  Just mere weeks ago, the doctors were sure it was back.  I smiled again:  He alone is God.  The little guy went for more tests and puzzled them all…no trace of what they thought was there.  The Lord had heard seemingly hopeless prayers and answered it.
            Going on, I thought about my own life and smiled:  He alone is God.  He has designed the scenery and setting of my life according to His purpose for me.  He has fed me, watered me, and shined on me.  He saw every single time I’ve fallen and He knew exactly where I was lying.  He has answered prayers that I thought were hopeless and against the odds.  He alone is God, but more than that, He alone is MY God!

“…I the Lord do all these things.”
Isaiah 45:7  KJV

August 5, 2012

Love Express…

       It was one of “those” mornings.  Hair – disaster, clothes – dirty…sweatshirt and jeans I wore yesterday, makeup – barely there.  Anyways, long story short…I definitely was NOT workin’ it that day!  I threw a hat on and got ready to head out, but not before I soaked myself with the first bottle of perfume I found to grab.  As I looked down at the perfume, I had to laugh at the name, “Love Express”.  Now let me tell ya…if THIS was the love express, I wanted off…immediately…and I’m pretty safe in betting that nobody else was in line for a ticket!! Lol!
        Kind of like those times in our Christian walk we have “those days”.  We get a bad attitude or just don’t feel too spiritual.  We tend to drench ourselves in a little holiness, hoping it will hide the mess.  He knows our thoughts and our feelings, even if we “smell” good.  He knows what’s underneath, the things we are trying to cover up.  We need to bathe in Him and let Him clean up the mess we are…He’s good at it! 

“Before a word is on my tounge, you, Lord, know it completely.”
Psalm 139:4 NIV