June 30, 2013


       We have returned from our dream honeymoon from Hawaii and while there, I was able to do and experience so many new, exciting, and wonderful things!  I got to kayak in the Pacific ocean with sea turtles, snorkel on an amazing reef, try lobster for the first time, and make so many great memories!  I was able to see sights that couldn’t have been painted by any other than the hand of God himself! 
        While we were there, I also witnessed something that I had never seen before…homelessness.  Sure, I’ve see the ones standing on the corner around our small town holding a sign, but I’ve never seen homelessness in this magnitude; and it was completely overwhelming. 
        John and I took a walk one day that led us through a park.  While admiring how beautiful it was, I noticed a shopping cart filled with belongings.  Walking further, I began to see people, old and young, who were sleeping on the sidewalk in the hot sun.  I saw small huts made out of their possessions.  I saw people trying to find shade anywhere they could. 
        Later in the week, we had the opportunity to go on a dinner cruise and on the way back, we passed that same park.  As we passed, I saw more huts, more tents, more people sleeping on the hard sidewalks.   I began to feel ashamed of myself for taking so many of my blessings for granted.  I’m not entitled to one thing I’ve been given and in that moment I was reminded that everything I have could be gone in a matter of mere minutes. 
        I wanted to stop the bus and do something to help the people in the park.  My heart hurt so badly for them.  I wondered if anyone knew their names?  I wondered why they were there?  Did they have a family somewhere?  What put them in that position?  Did any of them have someone who loved them and wanted them to come home?  The Lord reminded me that they do have someone who knows their name.  Someone who knew exactly what decision or circumstance put them there.  Someone who loves them.  Someone who gave His life for them.  Someone who was waiting with open arms for them to come home if they accepted Him. 
        What a hope!  Even in our darkest circumstances, even when we are wandering around, seemingly lost without a place to belong, that our path is still being guided.  None of us have to wander around lost through life…we have a home just waiting to be found at His feet.  I have prayed for those individuals ever since:  Prayed that they would find rest and peace in Him, if they haven’t already.

They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in.  Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.  Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.  And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.  Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!  For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." 

Psalm 107:4-9 KJV

June 14, 2013

“That’s All I Want…”

       My sister got married about 7 years ago and looking at all the pictures from her wedding and reception, one of my favorites has always been the picture of her and our dad dancing.  They are looking right at each other, smiling, and the love between them practically jumps right out of the photo.  Then, a couple of weeks ago, it was my turn to dance with dad at my reception.  It was no different than Emily’s picture.  While we were dancing, dad looked at me and said, “well, are you happy?”  Of course I answered yes and he replied with, “good…that’s all I want.”   
       I thought about dad’s love for us.  It is unconditional.  We can do whatever, go wherever, but his love has never once wavered.  He has listened and put up with the drama and emotions that a house of girls has brought.  He has loved us when it seemed that nobody else did or could.  In my 30 years, I have never heard him raise his voice.  He has been a role model, an encourager, a help, and a friend.  He has been our dad first, and our pastor second.  He stands on his beliefs, but has let us sort through our own.
       His love for Emily and I is so great, but it pales in comparison to God’s love for us.  Just like dad, God’s love is unconditional and doesn’t waver.  He listens to all our problems and complaints.  He sees something in all of us that is lovable:   Something that nobody else can see or know.  He doesn’t yell or berate us when we make mistakes.  He only picks us up and helps us find our footing again.  He is our encourager, our motivation, our friend, our support.  He is everything.  He wants us to enjoy life while serving Him.  He provides us with blessings that not one of us deserve, but I think every now and then He’ll whisper to us, “Well, are you happy?  Cause that’s all I want.”

“…There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son…”

Deuteronomy 1:31  NIV

June 9, 2013

Just Stand

      A couple weeks ago, I was driving along and came upon a bird that standing in the middle of the road.  I kept on going, assuming it would move, but when I got closer to it, it seemed to hunker down and brace itself.  It sort of puffed out its chest, pulled its wings in real tight, and waited:  anticipating the rush of wind from my passing car.  I passed the bird, swerving a little so I wouldn’t hit it, and looked back in my rearview mirror.  The bird was still standing in the center of the road.  It was obviously hurt or something was wrong, or else it would have flown away before my car passed it. 
      Immediately it came to my mind what I’ve heard my dad say a million times when preaching…when you’ve done all you can do and can’t do anymore, just stand.  Just like that little bird, rushing winds pass us by in life: winds that try to blow us here or there.  We are already down for the count…something was said that hurt us, we lost a few steps with the Lord, or whatever else causes us to feel low.  It’s in those times that we have to just brace ourselves and simply stand.  Sure, we’ll feel the rushing wind around us, and it might rock us a little, but we just have to stand.
      I'm not really the avid "bird watcher", but I was so blessed by the little bird and I’ve thought a lot about it since.  During trying times, sure we all pray that we can walk away or fly, but sometimes the Lord doesn’t answer our prayer that way.  Sometimes He merely provides us with enough strength just to stand.  And in that moment, it’s enough.

“ You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you…”

2 Chronicles 20:17  NIV

June 2, 2013

“Presenting Ourselves to the King”

I’m nowhere close to a “fashionista”, and never have claimed to be, but I like clothes.  I like getting dressed and wearing makeup and fixing my hair.  I like to feel presentable when I go places.  I’ve never been more aware of my appearance though, than for my wedding. 

Months have gone into picking just the right dress.  Finding the perfect shoes and jewelry to compliment it.  Choosing a veil that looks good with the dress.  Going for trial runs for my hair.  Choosing the perfect shade of lipstick.  And the list goes on.  This was the most important day:  the day I would present myself, not only to 200 friends and family members, but to my husband, and God.  I thought about how anxious I was and how my eye focused on every tiny detail, because I was on show…I was scheduled to be center of attention(which I’m not always too fond of, lol). 

My mind wandered to Queen Esther.  How she must have felt when she prepared  herself to go before, not before a crowd of people, but simply one man…the King.  How she must have spent time carefully choosing the right outfit and making sure that not one tiny detail of her appearance was left undone.  She was presenting herself to the King.

Every day, we present ourselves to the King.  He’s not just any old King, but He’s the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  Our Savior and Redeemer.  It does us no good to only care about our outward appearance when we go before Him.  He cares about what’s in our hearts.  Just as we put time and effort into our appearance for big events, we should use the same energy on our hearts when we present ourselves to Him.  Hopefully, we’ve spent enough time working our hearts that when the King sees us standing before Him, He is pleased.

“On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance. 2 When he saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her…”

Ester 5:1-2  NIV