I love goodwill/thrift shopping! Mom and Emily often make fun of my love for “other people’s junk”. I could spend an entire day digging around in any second hand store…granted, I like to bathe in antibacterial when I walk out, but still. It’s the thrill of not knowing what you will find. You are pretty much guaranteed to walk out of there, not only with a strange smell, but a huge smile and some sort of treasure. (My biggest treasure is an electric blue solid sequin dress. And YES…I wear it regularly!)
Before we are saved, we are like the items in the thrift stores – worn, used, a little faded and flawed. But God sees something in us. Something that He thinks is worth shining up a little and making His own. When I got saved as a little girl, I had no idea what my purpose was going to be (most of the time I still don’t! lol) but He looked at the mess I was and saw potential. I wasn’t as deep in sin as others may have been who got saved later in life, but my price was still the same: His blood. I’m so glad that while He was hanging on the cross, dying, He looked ahead in time and saw Amy and thought, “she might be junk to the world, but she’s going to be MY treasure!”
“Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people…”
Exodus 19:5 KJV