The words of my mom…any and every time Emily or I left the house for somewhere: “Don’t let anyone steal you or kill you!” Even to this day, she tells us that before we head out the door, even if it is just walking to the car. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always thought that if anyone was going to try to steal or kill me, I wouldn’t just “let” them do it.
That’s just like Jesus. We live our lives for Him and have joy in our hearts, but the devil is out there lurking. He wants to steal us from living for the Lord and in the end, kill us. I’m guilty of letting my guard down sometimes. Getting a little too friendly or close to things of the world: things the devil can use to trip us up. I, for one, need to do a better job putting up a fight, letting the devil know that he does not have the power to “steal me or kill me”, I’m already claimed!
So as silly and overprotective as mom’s advice may be, take it to heart…I think Jesus would have the same suggestion for each of us!
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring
of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 NIV