February 24, 2013

Two Hands

        Psalm 138:7 says, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me:  thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of my enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.”  I really like that verse, but it made me think, why did it specifically say that we are saved by the “right” hand.  I began to think of the significance of the right, and left, hand in the Bible.
        Throughout history, when a person would go into battle, they would hold their weapon in their right hand and their shield in the left.  That is the reason that the person they were battling would target the right hand…in order to disable the weapon.  That makes perfect sense to me when comparing those battles to this verse from Psalms.  It makes me believe that if He is saving us with His right hand, then His left hand is the one being help against our enemies…in other words, He is shielding us with His left hand, and holding us in the right, doing everything He can to protect us.
        The Bible says that the Lord has two hands:  one of verity and one of judgment.  The word verity means truth.  If you look up different verses, everything good and true is associated with the right hand.  At many places throughout the Bible, when the Lord would separate the strong from the weak or the good from the bad, the lesser is associated with the left hand. 
        I’m so glad that I have felt both of His hands at different times and situations in my life.  I have felt His judgment on my life and His chastisements from His left hand.  But I have also felt His saving hand from the right:  the one that demonstrated power and strength when I had neither.  Thos precious nail scarred hands have such significance in my life, as I’m sure they do yours.

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: 
thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of my enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.”
Psalm 138:7  KJV