April 14, 2013


         I’ve never been a “lovey-dovey” person.  I’ve never liked the whole, “honey, sweetie, baby” name calling.  I’ve never liked walking around with someone’s hand on my back 24/7, guiding me around.  It’s just not my personality.  (Poor guy one time sent me a text that said something like, “Hey, baby, what are you doing?”  My response?  “This isn’t going to work out…sorry.”  The word “baby” had sent me packin!  LOL) 
          Sure I love to feel loved and I love to show others that I love them, but to me, it’s more of a personal thing and not the big show.  Some people prefer a showy kind of love and that’s their prerogative, but it’s certainly not my style. 
          Then there’s God’s love.  It’s a relationship that is personal, but He calls us to be open and public about it.  He wants us to be “lovey-dovey”.  He calls us His child…His daughter…His son…His beloved…the apple of His eye.  He wants us to tell everyone we meet about the love He has for us.  He wants us to do acts of service and worship that demonstrate to everyone around how much we love Him.  He puts His hand on our lives and guides us 24/7 if we’ll allow it. 
          I don’t know why this thought even came across my mind, but thinking about it like that, I’m completely fine with telling the world that I belong to someone:  I belong to someone who loves me enough to die for me.  I belong to someone who can calm my fears, anxieties, and bring a peace like no other.  I belong to someone who is never too busy to hear from me.  I belong to someone who has my life wholly planned out, not a single detail left out.  I belong to someone who watches my every move and cares about the small things.  I belong to someone who never has harsh words, but love, grace, and support.  I hope that when I come in contact with others, they can see a glow on my face and in my life proving that I love someone and that they too can know the same kind of pure, eternal love!
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Matthew 22:37 KJV