August 18, 2013

Back to School Prayers

      Going back to school…it’s the time that inevitably comes every year.  I’ve already started having the dreams of an uncontrollable class, not being prepared, etc.  lol 

        My very favorite part of each new year, though, is when I go to start getting my classroom ready.  It’s quiet, not very many people are around, and there’s a sense of calmness.  The first thing I do each year is arrange the 25 little desks and then spend the time going by each desk and praying for that child.  I don’t know if there will be a boy or girl sitting there.  I don’t know their names.  I don’t know their background academically, socially, or home lives.  Regardless of me not knowing them, the Lord has known since before time that our paths needed to cross: That there is something to be gained from our time together.  So I pray for them.   

        I pray that the Lord will open their minds in order to learn new things.  I pray that the Lord will ease their anxieties and fears.  I pray that they will have friends.  I pray that they will learn to do what’s right.  I pray that they will thrive throughout the year and make notable progress.  But I also pray that the Lord will open their hearts.  Open their hearts to see and feel Him working and moving in their lives.  Open their hearts to hear His voice and answer His calls.  Open their hearts to be a witness and light to others.  Open their hearts to be more like Him.

        I pray at my own desk.  I pray that the Lord will let me love them even in the times they are unlovable.  I pray that He will let me get to know each and every little soul and their families and see them for who they are:  Your beautiful creation, whom You are pleased with.  I pray for patience when correcting behavior, calming fears, and teaching new skills.  I pray that His love will shine through me so evident that they can’t help but notice.  I pray that He will show me why He intended my path to specifically cross every one of theirs and give me the strength and wisdom to help them on their journey.

        Sometimes those dreams *nightmares* J do come true and there are days that seem uncontrollable, but I know that my joy doesn’t come from having the perfect classroom: my joy comes from within, from Him.  So even on the days where I may want to pull my hair out, I can wear a genuine smile, have a genuine peace, and know that His name is going to triumph because I’ve dedicated my classroom to Him.

“In everything set them an example by doing what is good.  In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech…”

Titus 2:7-8  NIV