October 27, 2013

God's Instrument

Not mine, but wanted to share for Pastor Appreciation day.  I'm thankful for my pastor, my dad, being an instrument of the Lord.

God's Instrument

I see the hands that hold God's word 
And fold in prayer to seek His will. 
I see the feet that walk the path 
And offers of praise as from lofty hill.

I see the hands that serve Him well, 
The ears that seek to hear His call, 
The mouth that speaks truth and wisdom, 
The busy feet that carry the message to all.

I see the heart that was priked and entered 
When God's man answered the gospel call 
And yielded His life as a humble servant, 
A man who is willing, as was Apostle Paul.

I see all of this as he stands in the pulpit, 
An instrument through which God speaks 
The words of wisdom, of love and peace, 
To lead and guide all those whom God seeks.

by Judy Crowe

October 20, 2013

Cider is Good, Too!

       Every year, we take a field trip to the local apple orchard.  We get to do and see lots of things while we’re there and learn about how apples grow.  The owner of the orchard was telling us all about the apples.  She was saying that if an apple falls off the tree, they don’t pick it up and put it in the basket to be processed and sold.  She showed the boys and girls how an apple gets bruised when it hits the ground.  She said that most people when buying apples don’t want the bruised ones…they are no good.  BUT, she went on to say that they use the fallen ones to make apple cider or slushies, because for that, it makes no difference if they are bruised and less than perfect.
        I don’t know about you, but I’m sure glad that the Lord likes “cider”.  There are so many things that bump and bruise us along the way.  Sometimes we all together fall off and hit the ground.  Even though passerbys may discard us, my owner and Creator sees some possibility.  I haven’t quite figured out what use He sees in me, but I’m sure glad He does!  So it’s okay that we might not all make it onto the showcase floor with bright shiny perfectness…the Lord likes cider too!  ;)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

Colossians 3:23  NIV

October 13, 2013

He'll Go First

        I was watching my niece and nephew climb a big tower of hay bales.  There were lots of kids playing on it and they were having a blast.  Lainey is pretty tall and just climbed right up.  Jack, a little younger and smaller could move easily around the first 2 or 3 levels, but after that, it was too steep for him to climb.  He would try to get his leg up there, but he was just too little.  Lainey, seeing that he was having trouble, climbed down and would pick him up (the best way a 5 year old can, lol) and put him up a little higher.  Then she would follow and do it again at the next level until he was at the top having fun.
        On the way down, he would try to slide but still, he was too little.  Lainey came over and said, “Just wait, let sissy go first and I’ll help you.”  She would get down and then turn around and help Jack down.  Then do it all over again.  Watching this, I thought, poor thing has to be tired from all that packing, but she didn’t let it show…she kept right on helping, no matter how many times he wanted up or down.
        I thought about my life and circumstances in it.  How many times there’s been a little hill or mountain I’ve had to climb or come down from, but I came up too short.  I couldn’t do it on my own.  How many times I’ve felt His hand placing me where I needed to be to move up a little higher.  How many times I’ve heard His voice saying, “Just wait, let me go first and I’ll help you.”  It didn’t matter how many other people were climbing, His attention was on me.  It didn't matter how many times He had to do it.  Thank you Lord, for seeing my need and going first, only to turn back and carry me!

“…you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son…”

Deuteronomy 1:31  NIV

October 6, 2013

“Called to the Carpet”

        We “go to the carpet” a lot in my classroom.  We talk there.  We sing there.  We dance there.  We listen there.  I love reading to my kids and they love listening on the carpet.  When I say “come to the carpet” it’s almost a race to see who can get there first and a struggle to get as close as they can to my rocking chair.  Sometimes I have to back them up a bit so they don’t get their fingers smashed, that’s how close.  J  But as they listen, the ones who are closest will sometimes do things like touch my shoe or boot or rub the hem of my pants of skirt.  They aren’t really doing anything, they just like to feel that closeness.
        There’s a song that a group from our church sings, “Look for me at Jesus’ Feet”.  When they sing that song, I think of my kids sitting on the carpet.  It feels like a race down here, but when He “calls me to His carpet” I’ll drop everything in a split second and make my way to His feet.  I plan on getting as close as I can to His throne…He might have to ask me to back up a little.  But I’m gonna sit as close as I can and maybe just run my fingers over two nail scarred feet.  I might take His robe and just rub it in my hand.  Because just like that song says,
“Don’t look ‘neath the gates of pearl.       
Don’t look on the streets of gold. 
Don’t look by the walls of jasper. 
Nor among  the many sights untold. 
For I’ve been longing and I’ve been waiting. 
For the precious Holy one to see. 
There I’ll be through the countless ages. 
Look for me at Jesus’ feet.”

“And stood at His feet behind Him weeping, and began to wash His feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed His feet…”

Luke 7:38  KJV