I was watching my niece and nephew climb a big tower of
hay bales. There were lots of kids
playing on it and they were having a blast.
Lainey is pretty tall and just climbed right up. Jack, a little younger and smaller could move
easily around the first 2 or 3 levels, but after that, it was too steep for him
to climb. He would try to get his leg up
there, but he was just too little.
Lainey, seeing that he was having trouble, climbed down and would pick
him up (the best way a 5 year old can, lol) and put him up a little
higher. Then she would follow and do it
again at the next level until he was at the top having fun.
On the way
down, he would try to slide but still, he was too little. Lainey came over and said, “Just wait, let
sissy go first and I’ll help you.” She
would get down and then turn around and help Jack down. Then do it all over again. Watching this, I thought, poor thing has to
be tired from all that packing, but she didn’t let it show…she kept right on
helping, no matter how many times he wanted up or down.
I thought
about my life and circumstances in it.
How many times there’s been a little hill or mountain I’ve had to climb
or come down from, but I came up too short.
I couldn’t do it on my own. How
many times I’ve felt His hand placing me where I needed to be to move up a
little higher. How many times I’ve heard
His voice saying, “Just wait, let me go first and I’ll help you.” It didn’t matter how many other people were
climbing, His attention was on me. It didn't matter how many times He had to do it. Thank
you Lord, for seeing my need and going first, only to turn back and carry me!
saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son…”
1:31 NIV