April 2, 2014

“Have You Considered My Servant?”

    Most usually when you are getting ready to assign a task, you choose the most qualified.  You generally don’t choose the weakest member of the group, you pick someone who will get the job done.  Someone you trust and have confidence in:  someone you believe in.  If you are the overseer, you want to know that when that whatever the job assigned, your person will do it, do it well, and get it finished.

    I feel like Job was God’s “person”.  When the satan came around, the Lord knew exactly who He wanted for the job.  He knew that Job had faith and trust in Him and wouldn’t back down.  He would stand through any tests and temptations, firm.  Job was the person for the job.  When things got tough, and we all can read how tough it actually got, the Lord had confidence in His servant.  The Lord knew Job’s heart.  He trusted him to do the job, do it well, and finish the task.

    How many times things pop up in our lives that don’t seem to be the best of situations.  You feel tested and tried and spent on every level.  Life gets hard.  I want to be the kind of servant, like Job, that the Lord has utmost confidence in.  The kind of servant that He can say, “have you considered my servant Amy?”  The kind of servant He can depend on. 

So when tests and trials knock us down, and they will, keep an unwavering faith…the Lord may have specifically chosen the best servant, you, for that particular test.


“And the Lord said unto satan, “Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

Job 1:8 KJV