January 27, 2013

Held by Jesus

     Several years ago in my classroom, we were using shaving cream to write words on our desks.  It was during “center time” so I would squirt some cream onto their desks and then go work with a different group.  I could hear the conversations when I would put the cream on their desks:  most of the time they talk about what it reminds them of.  Some students were saying it reminded them of “clouds”, “daddy”, etc. 
That day, one particular little girl just breathed a deep breath and said, “It reminds me of Jesus”.  That caught my attention so I tuned in a little closer to their conversation.  The others in the group asked why and her sweet innocent answer was that “his robe is so white and soft and smells so clean.”
I focused my attention back to what I was doing but continued to think about her comment.  You see, I knew her home life…I knew that there was nobody at her house who wanted to pick her up, hold her close, and love on her.  Nobody who cared if her clothes were soft and clean.  Nobody who cared if she smelled clean.  Nobody that is, except Jesus. 
I believe that she knew exactly what His robe looked, felt, and smelled like because even though nobody else cared for this little girl, He would show up and hold her close, letting her know that He cared for her.  He wanted her close.  He loved her. 
As much as it broke my heart to think about, it also gave me so much peace.  When we think nobody is around to care what happens to us, remember, there’s One who does.  When you have those little moments with the Lord, be sure to breathe Him in, feel and smell Him…and you, like that sweet little girl, will know exactly what He’s like. 

“…I will trust in the shelter of Your wings.  Selah.”
Psalm 61:4 NKJV

January 19, 2013


          I have thought so much about grace this week.  When you hear things and wonder how someone can deal with a situation they are dealt or how someone can keep it together in a time of crisis or loss, only 1 word comes to mind:  grace. 
          Of course, as Christians, we are all familiar with “God’s saving grace”…probably one of the most important types of grace.  But there’s so much more than that.  Grace in the dictionary has many meanings, but every definition has 2 common threads:  it’s a favor and it’s unmerited.  So many times when we are beside ourselves and ask the Lord to help, we aren’t necessarily praying for grace…if you’re like me, you might be praying that the situation would be taken away or you would miraculously find a solution.  After it’s over, it seems as though the Lord did just that – took it away.  But if you look back, He didn’t just remove the situation or remove you from it:  He just supplied you with the grace to get through whatever it was you were facing. 
          One of my favorite scriptures is Hebrews 4:16  KJV.  It says,
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
          That verse doesn’t have criteria you have to meet in order to get grace.  It doesn’t specify a type of crisis.  It doesn’t say that you MIGHT get help.  Instead it says that we WILL find help in ANY time of need.  His grace is there.  Even if we don’t call out specifically asking for it, He gives it.  Thank you Lord for the most beautiful gift you hand out so freely…Grace.

January 13, 2013

Getting Back in the Game

           I think God was sort of knocking me in the head this morning with a little message.  Driving in my car (of course to the mall) I heard the DJ say that we should start the new year by letting go of burdens that we carry around.  We need to forget things that have hurt us, people that have hurt us, and stop letting “things” keep us on the sidelines of life.  In other words stop giving people or situations power over our lives. 
I thought about what she had said and realized that in my own life, there are things I have been carrying around that, as the years pass, are weighing me down and keeping me from living and truly enjoying life and His blessings.  For me, letting go is not a simple task (I’m not asking for a pity party either! lol!)  There has been real hurt in my life and it’s not always easy to take my hands off it and say, ‘oh well…I’m over it…”.  However, letting go is necessary in order for me to completely and totally be in the center of His will for my life.  Whoa…was this just me overanalyzing, like usual or was this really God speaking to me?  I guess I got my answer when the Mandisa song, “Waiting For Tomorrow” came on the radio at that precise time.
I felt like the part of the song that says, “Cause You made me for so much more than sitting on the sidelines…” was written specifically for me at that moment in my life.  So I feel inspired!  Hopefully, you are able to recognize baggage or burdens that you are carrying and are able to let it go.  Let me tell you, it feels GREAT to get off the sidelines and back in the game of life!  J

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee:  He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”
Psalm 55: 22

                                                              Waiting For Tomorrow
by Mandisa

Maybe tomorrow we'll start over
Maybe tomorrow I will finally change my ways
Said the same things yesterday
Don't know why I'm so afraid
To let you in
To let you win
To let you have all of me

Can't spend my whole life wastin'
Everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made for so much more than
Sittin' on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better
Everyday's a day to start over
So, why am I waiting for tomorrow

Maybe today I'll start believing
That you're mercy is really
As real as you say it is
It doesn't matter who I used to be
It only matters that I've been set free
You rescued me you're changing me
Jesus take everything

Can't spend my whole life wastin'
Everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made for so much more than
Sittin' on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better
Everyday's a day to start over
So, why am I waiting for tomorrow

Oh, I'm makin this my moment now
To grab the hand that's reachin down to save me You saved me
And I'm makin this my moment now
To grab the hand that's reachin down to save me You saved me

Can't spend my whole life wastin'
Everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made for so much more than
Sittin' on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better
Everyday's a day to start over
So, why am I waiting for tomorrow

I'm gonna grab the hand that's reachin down
And I'm not gonna wait until tomorrow
Oh, tomorrow

January 6, 2013

A Breath of Fresh Air

           I like to view the new year as a breath of fresh air.  The previous year is gone, that chapter is already written and finished.  There is no going back to correct our mistakes, make different choices, or act on missed opportunities.  The air from the previous year was fresh at one point, but throughout the year, it may have become polluted and a bit stinky at times, but the Lord chose to graciously bless us with a new one…a fresh start with clean, pure air. 
          I want to take the opportunity of this fresh start to search myself.  I want to be mindful of Christ all year through so that this year will find me working for Him.  There is no doubt in my mind that He will provide me with multiple opportunities to share Him and His love with others.  I want to stay right where He wants me so that I am able to recognize and act on those opportunities. 
              I pray that I am able to work for Him throughout this year so that when there is no more time to work,  I can honestly say that I did everything I could to please Him.  So I’m going to take a deep breath and breathe this fresh air and thank Him for the chance to start again!

“I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day:  the night cometh
when no man can work.”
John 9:4 KJV