September 15, 2013

It’s Nice to Go Home

      I’m a worry-wart when it comes to most things, and taking trips is no different.  I get stressed and worried before I even leave.  I think of every bad thing that could happen and then convince myself that it will:  I might get eaten by a shark at the ocean/I might get bitten by a snake while camping/I might get bed bugs from a hotel…the list could go on for days! 
      Once I’m there, I have a great time, but no matter where I’m at or how much fun I’m having, there comes a time when it’s nice to come home.  It’s nice to be on the road and start seeing familiar sights.  It’s nice to think about what is waiting for you when you get there:  you home and life.
      Heaven is just like that.  Down here has just been a little trip.  It’s been fun.  There’s been happy times and celebrations.  There’s also been disappointments and heartaches.  But one day I’ll begin to see those familiar sights.  My Papa who I would love to drink a Diet Pepsi with again.  My Grandpa who missed the majority of my life.  My Grandma who I never got to meet.  A baby cousin who never got to know life down here.  When I start seeing those sights, I’ll breathe a little deeper and know that I’m almost home.    

After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.”

1 Thessalonians 4:17  NIV