July 14, 2013

Something Beautiful From Something Ugly

        John and I stopped at a little jewelry shop in Hawaii to look around.  There, in a bowl were oysters with a sign that said “Pick a Pearl”.  I was going to get some pearl earrings so we thought what better way to do it than to just pick your own.  The store attendant handed me some tongs and I began rummaging through the bowl of water and oysters.  I was looking for a perfect oyster…I didn’t want one of those slimy, yucky ones!  She looked at me and said, “The uglier and hairier the oyster the more beautiful the pearl is inside.” 
        I thought about that in comparison to our walk with the Lord.  When we are sinners, we have so much ugly:  ugly in our hearts, our lives, our minds.  Jesus doesn’t just call the people who haven’t gotten too far out in sin…he calls us all.  In many circumstances, the uglier the person’s life is, the more beautiful He can make it.
        I know the sweetest woman who will tell you herself about her ugly life.  How she tried many different things to complete her life.  She will also tell you that she rarely didn’t have a drink in her hand.  She used language that wasn’t pretty and had a temper that would rise up and she would lash out at people.  But the Lord called her.  He saw her.  He saw all of those things in her life, but most importantly, He looked past it all and saw something He could work with.  Something He could make beautiful.  A person that He could let His love shine through.  A person that He could use to win souls.  A person that He could use to be a Sunday school teacher.  A person that He could use to demonstrate a patience that is comparable to Job’s.  A person that He could use to be a beacon of hope and an inspiration.  A person that He saw beautiful, not only outwardly, but beyond all of the ugly, messy things in her life, He saw an infinite beauty.
        John and I both chose the ugliest and hairiest oyster we saw, and in return opened up two beautiful pearls.  I had it set in a pendent and each time I wear it, I’m reminded that He can make something so beautiful out of something so ugly, if we only let Him work! 
        Thank you, Lord for rummaging through the slimy, yucky, ugly life I had and turning it into something beautiful that You can use! 

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9  KJV