October 27, 2013

God's Instrument

Not mine, but wanted to share for Pastor Appreciation day.  I'm thankful for my pastor, my dad, being an instrument of the Lord.

God's Instrument

I see the hands that hold God's word 
And fold in prayer to seek His will. 
I see the feet that walk the path 
And offers of praise as from lofty hill.

I see the hands that serve Him well, 
The ears that seek to hear His call, 
The mouth that speaks truth and wisdom, 
The busy feet that carry the message to all.

I see the heart that was priked and entered 
When God's man answered the gospel call 
And yielded His life as a humble servant, 
A man who is willing, as was Apostle Paul.

I see all of this as he stands in the pulpit, 
An instrument through which God speaks 
The words of wisdom, of love and peace, 
To lead and guide all those whom God seeks.

by Judy Crowe